Testable Enterprise Development with Arquillian

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In this session, we’ll address the missing link in Enterprise Java development: simple, easy integration testing.

Unit tests and mock objects will only take you so far; the only answer which truly ensures that all components are playing nicely is a comprehensive integration suite. Unfortunately, writing integration tests has historically involved manual setup of a heavy, cumbersome test harness. That’s time lost, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.

Here we’ll introduce Arquillian, a powerful container-oriented testing framework layered atop TestNG and JUnit. Arquillian manages your runtime, abstracting out deployment and allowing you to focus on real test logic. We’ll cover:

  • Transparent container lifecycle management
  • Declarative deployments
  • Test Enrichment (Dependency injection intotests)
  • In-container test execution

Attend this talk to learn how the simplified component model of Java EE can be applied to testable development.

The presentation is available at:


Andrew Rubinger

As Senior Software Engineer at JBoss by Red Hat, Andrew Lee Rubinger is primarily tasked with development of the company’s EJB 3.x implementation. Prior to employment within open source, he was an early adopter of JEE technologies and community contributor from within the private sector. Andrew’s interests are in advancing the success of open standards, easing testability, and he is author of O’Reilly Media’s “Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1”. His role as Core Developer within the Application Server is supplemented by leading the Embedded and ShrinkWrap subprojects.