Brian Rinaldi


Brian Rinaldi is the Developer Content Manager at Telerik focused on ensuring that the Developer Relations team creates top notch content for the web development community on the Telerik Developer Network..

Brian founded a popular developer site called Flippin’ Awesome (now Modern Web) and serves as co-editor ofMobile Web Weekly. You can follow Brian via @remotesynth on Twitter.

Approaches to DOM Traversal

For many years we just used jQuery as the default approach to traversing the Document Object Model. However, not only has straight JavaScript gotten better at this task but some new libraries have dared to take entirely new approaches to this common requirement.

Getting Started with Responsive Web Design

In this workshop Brian will walk through the basics of responsive web design including fluid sizing, fluid grids and media queries. He’ll then demonstrate how to build a responsive layout using Adobe’s new tool, Edge Reflow, and participants will see how Reflow can be used to take a mobile-first approach to responsive design. Finally, he will examine some approaches to how to utilize the design generated by Reflow within a workflow.