Kyle Simpson


Kyle Simpson is an Open Web Evangelist from Austin, TX. He’s passionate about JavaScript, HTML5, real-time/peer-to-peer communications, and web performance. Otherwise, he’s probably bored by it. Kyle is an author, workshop trainer, tech speaker, and avid OSS community member.

New Linting Rules

This talk is a linter for your code.

I bet you’ve been writing JS for years and you think you’re pretty good at it. I bet you think you know all about how functions create closured scope, and how this gets bound, and even how .prototype works. Or, rather, you probably don’t care because your framework or library takes care of all that for you.

We’ll revisit many of the difficult and commonly-misunderstood parts of JS and see how our code stacks up against these “new linting rules”. This talk is going to be hard-core on coding and expects a solid understanding of the language.

No slides available

#CSS {Yawn: Yay}

Maybe you think moving from static CSS files to (mostly-static) CSS preprocessing was a huge revolution for your app’s styling. I’ve got news for you. You’re still stuck in quicksand.

If you want more out of your CSS, it should be dynamically templated, not just build-processed. Render the CSS on-the-fly, responding to run-time conditions, either on the server or in the browser. And that’s just the beginning. Imagine modifying CSS structure and rule-relationships in process, re-compiling then re-rendering? Yep.

Are you still excited because your CSS automatically re-compiles on save? CSS.past. Open your eyes to the next big things in CSS. You don’t need more fancy features and coding constructs IN your CSS file, you just need super-charged CSS tools. Welcome to CSS templating.

We haven’t scratched the surface of what CSS can do for us yet. It’s time we get scratching.