Functional Programming on Android

Track: Mobile
Skill Level: Advanced
Room: Room A402
Time Slot: Thu 2/23, 2:30 PM
Tags: mobile and java
Presentation Link

One of the biggest features of Java 8 was the incorporation of Functional Programming (Lambda Expressions). Many questions began to turn around Android development, like when we will can use Lambda Expressions?
One interesting fact to stand out is that Android applications are not Java ones, we only use all the syntax and power of Java for create Android applications, in deed Google use a version created for Apache call Apache Harmony.
In the Google I/O 2016 they launch a new compiler call “The Jack toolchain”, this compiler allows us to incorporate Lambda Expressions in our Android Code, which is subsequently transformed to the .dex files that run on Android system.
In this talk we will explore the work of Functional Programming and Lambda Expressions and how we can incorporate this powerful way to code on Android using the Jack toolchain.

Maria M. Wyss Alvarez

With studies in Software Engineering is Full Stack Mobile Developer with more than 5 years of experience. At present is CTO at Produactivity; and is Founder and CTO at PowerWTechnology (her own company) with which she has worked for companies as McDonald’s, Remington, Black+Decker, Cartridge World.

Is a JUG board member in Guatemala Java Users Group, is on charge of all the logistics behind JUG’s activities, is founder of a JDuchess chapter and a Google Community (Devs+502) in Guatemala. Is a Java and Google Technologies Speaker in Guatemala, has participated in multiple occasions at speaker in Software Engineering’s Congress, FLISoL, Java Day Guatemala, Java Day Tour Guatemala and Women Techmakers.