Let Your Data Flow with Apache NiFi

Track: Frameworks Slides

Apache NiFi is an open-source tool built to address the challenges of enterprise data flow. This talk will give an introduction to NiFi and discuss how it fits into the enterprise architecture. We’ll take a deep dive into NiFi’s core capabilities, such as visual command & control, routing & transformation, dynamic prioritization, back-pressure, and data provenance. We’ll give an overview of NiFi’s extension model which lets developers build their own custom components using Java, or JVM compatible scripting languages, and we’ll conclude by building an example data flow and discussing future work being done by the open-source community.

Bryan Bende

Bryan Bende is a Staff Software Engineer at Hortonworks working on the Hortonworks Dataflow platform, and is a PMC Member and committer on the Apache NiFi project. He has over twelve years of experience developing enterprise software solutions, and received a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland at College Park, and a M.S. in Computer Science from John Hopkins University.