Kotlin in Action

Track: JVM Languages

Kotlin comes to us from Jetbrains the same people that make the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. Designed to run on the JVM and interop cleanly with exisiting Java classes, Kotlin provides a number of upgrades from standard Java development. More than just another language tour with and ceaseless parade of tidbits and nuggets, this talk is a walkthrough of actively developed projects. We’ll look at various language features in the context of actual code rather than contrived examples designed to make the language shine.

Justin Lee

Justin Lee, a Java Champion, has been programming in Java since 1996. He has worked on virtually every level of the application stack from database drivers all the way to application servers and front end interfaces. A long time advocate of Java, he has spoken at conferences and user groups all across the US and Europe. He is an active open source community member contributing when and where he can. He recently relocated to Stockholm, Sweden with his family and can be found on twitter and github as @evanchooly.