Accessibility Auditing: Getting Started with Accessibility

Track: Web and Front-end
This workshop is for people that are just starting or want to get started learning accessibility and how to audit. Or for the people that are in Accessibility that want a refresher or are looking to change their workflows. The overall points an attendee should take away and learn from this workshop are: Differences between auditing websites and mobile apps; What to look for when auditing; The WCAG guidelines and best practices; Tools to use and how to use them; Differences between automated and manual testing; Documentation of audits and scoring them for clients; Using the data to make sites more accessible; Workflows and toolkits that make for efficient auditing. By the time the workshop has ended, the attendee should be able to go out and audit websites for accessibility.
Todd Libby
I am a W3C Invited Expert. I've been a developer/programmer for over forty years from when I started with BASIC and Scheme, and now with React, JavaScript. My focus is on Accessibility and have done accessibility for the past twenty three years. It is very important to me and I do advocate for accessibility. I host a podcast, the Front End Nerdery Podcast. I write articles for publication and I have written articles for Smashing Magazine and CSS-Tricks, and I love food and cooking, especially lobster and lobster rolls.