From Your Perspective

Track: Web and Front-end
There are countless practical applications of 3D transforms. Too often 3D is a buzzword for a large, flashy framework, and not a simpler way to present information. Behind complex linear algebra is simple intuition that you already have and can use. In this presentation, I will review the ideas of matrix transforms without the headache. Everyone, from academic to beginner will have a clearer understanding of the world, both virtual and real. In this talk we review the tiny bits of math that masquerade as magic so that everyone feels like they gained superpowers.
Gant Laborde
Gant Laborde is a New Orleans native, born and raised. He grew up with hurricanes (not the drink), rich New Orleans culture, and as a free tour guide for all his out-of-state friends. Over the years he’s seen his city experience corruption, flooding, heartbreak, and most importantly, revived-determination. “New Orleans doesn’t know how to quit,” Gant says, “that’s why I love it.” Gant firmly believes conflict abets passion, a fire always moves fastest uphill. As CIO for the popular company Infinite Red, Gant works remotely from his home and uses his self-managed autonomy to explore a variety of leadership arts. Besides managing the all-remote team from around the world, Gant has become a published author, adjunct professor, volunteer mentor, and a speaker at conferences worldwide. Each day, Gant refines what motivation and leadership mean as he strives to bridge the gap the theory and the concrete. He voraciously consumes self-help books and online lectures, which he incorporates into his everyday processes. Focus on personal enthusiasm and motivation to lead projects, workshops, and teams are the bedrock of success. He refines these skills as often as possible at his local Toastmasters clubs, where he serves as Division Director.