Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Highlights

Track: Jakarta EE
Jakarta EE and MicroProfile are powerful platforms for developing applications and microservices. Attendees of this session will learn important features of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile through a number of examples, using a hands on approach, correlating usage of the APIs to real-life scenarios. The examples presented will showcase both established and recently released features of Jakarta EE 10 and MicroProfile 6. The focus will be on some of the most important features from a variety of specifications, ranging from Jakarta Faces to Jakarta WebSockets and MicroProfile Config. The demo’s provide an overview of each, including how specifications complement each other. In order to run these examples, we will use server-side resources using Payara, and development of microservices with Payara Micro and Docker. Attendees will walk away with a solid understanding of some of the most important features of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile.
Josh Juneau
Josh Juneau works as an application developer, system analyst, and database administrator. He primarily develops using Java and other JVM languages. Josh is a technical writer for OTN and Java Magazine, and has published a number of titles for Apress including: “Introducing Java EE 7”, “Java EE 8 Recipes”, and “Java 9 Recipes”. Josh was also a co-author of “The Definitive Guide to Jython”, and “PL/SQL Recipes”. Josh is an active member of the Apache NetBeans community, and has served on the JavaOne Content Review Committee for multiple years. Josh was a JCP Expert Group member for JSRs 372 and 378, and he is a committer for the EE4J Mojarra project. He is an advocate of the Adopt-a-JSR program, and helps to lead the open source initiative for the Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG). He is a regular on the Java OffHeap Podcast, and you can reach him through his Twitter handle: @javajuneau or you can follow his blog at http:http://jj-blogger.blogspot.com
Edwin Derks
Edwin Derks is a Java Champion and Principal Consultant with Team Rockstars IT. He has a passion for collecting and sharing knowledge about improving IT in organizations, and is adept with cloud-driven software development. He often organizes meetings, writes articles, blogs and speaks at conferences.