Spring Recipes: A Collection of Common-Sense Solutions

Track: Frameworks
Over the years, Spring has evolved to solve the ever-increasing demands placed on software teams. From circuit breakers to security to queues to Kubernetes, Spring has an answer to that! But breadth can be overwhelming especially when you need to deploy to production yesterday. While knowing maybe half the battle, left unsaid is applying that knowledge to real-world situations; in other words, how do you bridge the gap between knowing Spring can do that to actually using Spring to fix your issue? With a plethora of examples, this talk will walk you through common problems in modern software development. From monitoring to testing to messaging to reactive programming, this talk will give you concrete solutions for your day-to-day needs.
Nathaniel Schutta
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos. Nate is a seasoned speaker regularly presenting at conferences worldwide, No Fluff Just Stuff symposia, meetups, universities, and user groups. In addition to his day job, Nate is an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota where he teaches students to embrace (and evaluate) technical change. Driven to rid the world of bad presentations, Nate coauthored the book Presentation Patterns with Neal Ford and Matthew McCullough. Nate recently published Thinking Architecturally and Responsible Microservices both available as free downloads from VMware.
Dan Vega
Dan Vega is a Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. He has been developing software for the web for over 20 years and his superpower is problem-solving. Dan is a blogger, YouTuber, course creator, and speaker. He is a lifelong learner and his passion is sharing his knowledge with the developer community. Dan lives near Cleveland Ohio with his beautiful wife and 2 daughters. When he isn’t writing code or teaching he enjoys spending time with his family, lifting weights, running, or reading a good book.