Walking to School in the Snow or What to Do When You Aren't Building Bridges with Bricks

Track: Architecture
Roman architects and engineers built colosseums, bridges and aqueducts that have lasted for millennia. Most software applications last… not as long. The discipline and processes of software engineering are continuously evolving to deliver faster results. Meanwhile application architecture is undergoing a paradigm shift as the enterprise embraces the cloud. What does engineering discipline look like when time to market is more important than time in existence? This talk looks at 5 emerging architecture trends geared towards delivering business value faster and what these trends mean for developers: * Putting Architects in the Elevators * Composable Organizations * Product vs. Project Thinking * Paved Roads and Golden Paths * Data Meshes
Jeremy Davis
I am a Chief Architect for App Services at Red Hat. I help Red Hat's customers to design and deliver deliver applications, work with Red Hat engineers to create great products, and occasionally speak at conferences. Before joining Red Hat I wrote a lot of code in C, C#, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic; mostly Java. I currently co-lead Red Hat’s Application Development Community of Practice, and used to lead Red Hat's Microservices Community of Practice and the Business Rules and Workflow SME group. I’ve recently spent a lot of time with Reactive applications and programming. I’ve been with Red Hat since 2010, and have been Chief Architect for App Dev in the Southeast since 2019. I recently acquired a Marshall amp after relying on Fenders for years.