FinOps Tooling is a magic wand for enhancing Performance and Customer Value

Track: Practices and other tech
I knew our journey into adopting FinOps would result in Cloud Cost Savings, but I was surprised to see how effective it could be at finding performance issues, bugs, and even challenging things like our product pricing.

This session will walk through what FinOps is, the results of our adoption, and the interesting observations that surprised us along the way.
Jeremiah Drysdale
Jeremiah has been a fan of efficiency since he was born. A fan of Java since being exposed to it at Georgia Tech and changing his major from Chemical Engineering to Computer Science. A fan of data since the first encounter of a billion row database table. Now he gets constant exposure to all three in his role as a leader in the Cloud Engineering and Optimization team at BetterCloud as he explores the power FinOps can have.