The Art of Vulnerability Disclosure

Track: Security
Properly disclosing a vulnerability you found on a website, open source project, or app is not an easy task, especially not the first time. There are a lot of things to pay attention to and that can go wrong. But if done properly, it can be very rewarding, as most companies are very grateful. Whether you want to learn how to disclose your first vulnerability in the easiest way possible, or you want to hear about best practices and suggestions on what to do when things do not go as planned, this talk is for you.
François Martin
François Martin is a senior full stack software engineer at Karakun AG and lecturer at the FHNW University of Applied Sciences in Brugg, living in Switzerland. He is an active open source contributor and co-author of the two open source JavaFX frameworks WorkbenchFX and PreferencesFX and an active member at the Swiss Testing Board.