The Death Star and the ultimate vulnerability

Track: Security
The Death Star from Star Wars was an impressive though fictional feat of engineering, but it had a fatal flaw that was exploited by the rebels. Similarly, modern applications are at risk due to the many open-source dependencies used worldwide that can contain vulnerabilities. Some are just mistakes, and others, like that iconic exhaust port, were deliberately created.

Managing these components and ensuring their security is crucial to prevent successful attacks. This session will take you to a galaxy far far away, to look at what went wrong in the Empire's supply chain to cause such a vulnerability to be introduced. By understanding the risks and using the right tools, we can avoid a catastrophe like the Death Star’s destruction and put a stop to any rebel scum.
Jamie Coleman
Jamie is a Developer Advocate for Sonatype formally IBM, based in the UK. He talks about the importance of security in software, improving developer productivity and raising awareness about energy consumption of technology. Passionate about discovering ways to help reduce developers carbon footprint, he is also a subject matter expert in containerised solutions and build technologies. He fell in love with Java at University and has gone on to talk at many conferences about using Java with microservices and related technology. He has worked on a wide variety of projects such as modernising IBM CICS mainframe testing infrastructure, creating, and automating the creation of Docker images for IBM’s products and contributing to a DevOps pipeline offering.