Troubleshooting, Monitoring and Profiling with Java Flight Recorder, Mission Control and Cryostat

Track: Core Java
Java Flight Recorder and JDK Mission Control enable continuous collection of low level, detailed runtime information for incident analysis. JFR is included with the JDK, has a tiny footprint, and

Java Flight Recorder is a profiling and event collection framework built into the JDK.

JDK Mission Control contains a set of tools that enable detailed analysis of the data collected by Java Flight Recorder.

Cryotstat enables secure managemant of JFR recordings for containerized Java apps.

In this presentation, we will dive into Java Flight Recorder, Java Mission Control, and Cryostat. You will leave knowing how start, stop, and visualize data about your Java applications running in and out of containers.
Jeremy Davis
Jeremy is a Principal Architect at Red Hat. He helps Red Hat's customers to design and deliver applications, works with Red Hat engineers to create great products, and occasionally speaks at conferences. Before joining Red Hat he wrote a lot of code in C, C#, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic; mostly Java. He currently co-lead Red Hat’s Application Development Community of Practice, and used to lead Red Hat's Microservices Community of Practice and the Business Rules and Workflow SME group. He has recently spent a lot of time with Quarkus and Kubernetes. He recently acquired a Marshall amp after relying on Fenders for years.