Spinnaker - Land of 1000 Builds

Track: User Experience + Tools
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room A313
Time Slot: Tue 2/16, 2:30 PM
Tags: spring boot , tools , spinnaker , spring , continuous deployment , cloud , continuous integration

How do big shops like Netflix make it possible to deploy hundreds if not thousands of releases every single day? FInd out with a tour through the microservice, Spring Boot-based system known as Spinnaker. Spinnaker is the open source continuous integration/continuous deployment tool that supports multiple clouds, multiple languages, and multiple providers. Learn about its sophisticated usage of microservices including: Retrofit-based interfaces, gateway API, decoupled state, and other key patterns.

Greg Turnquist

Greg is a test-bitten script junky. He is a member of the Spring team at Pivotal. He works on Spring Data REST, Spring Boot and other Spring projects, while also working as an editor-at-large of Spring’s Getting Started guides. He launched the Nashville JUG in 2010. He created Spring Python and wrote “Spring Python 1.1” and “Python Testing Cookbook”. He is currently writing “Learning Spring Boot”. He has been a Spring fan for years.