Upgrade your developer superpowers with Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift

Track: Workshops Slides | Guides

Wish you could learn how to build, develop and run containers successfully into production? Your wish was granted! Attend this workshop and you’ll learn how to do all of this and much more on top of the Kubernetes/OpenShift platform.

You’ll have hands-on exercises that will walk you through from building, deploying, scaling, and even performing A/B testing on your applications with Kubernetes/OpenShift. And don’t forget state: you’ll be able to deploy a stateful application with a database and polyglot backend services.

What about having your own Kubernetes/OpenShift development environment on your notebook? We’ll have it up and running on this workshop with the Minishift/CDK environment. And do you want to feel the taste of the future of software development environments? You’ll have access to OpenShift.io, the true from idea to production cloud-development environment. We have it covered: planning, repositories, IDE, testing, deploying, and running without leaving your browser.

Jorge Morales

OpenShift Developer advocate

Steven Pousty

Steve is Director of Developer Advocacy for Red Hat Middleware (aka Java Stuff). He has spoken a lot of place and is even a JavaOne Rockstar. His talks are information rich, usually with demos, and informal.

Veer Muchandi

Veer Muchandi is a Principal Architect and Container/PaaS evangelist with RedHat. Specializes in Containerization, Microservices, PaaS and DevOps. Spreading awesomeness of OpenShift, an enterprise ready Kubernetes Platform to run your container workloads. Well known blogger, teacher, and speaker. Veer also runs OpenShift-Kubernetes meet up group in Atlanta.