Madhura Bhave


Madhura Bhave is a developer at Pivotal on the Spring Boot team. Before joining the Spring Boot team, Madhura worked on the UAA (Authentication and Authorization component for Cloud Foundry).

Head-first Reactive with Spring and Reactor
Spring Boot 2 and Spring Framework 5 have arrived and they deliver on a key promise: Supporting Reactive programming using Reactor 3.1 to model non-blocking flows. More than learning about a new framework, the developer is challenged with a new mindset. In this Workshop, we aim to deliver the survival kit to understand reactive programming trade-off, when to choose it and read/write Reactor flows. In the context of Spring Boot 2, we'll be exploring some of the ecosystem support like web, data and security.
What's New in Spring Boot 2.0
Spring Boot 2.0 introduces a host of new features and whole lot of behind the scenes changes. This talk will cover all the major improvements, show you how to migrate and Boot 1.5 application and discuss some of the smaller tweaks and utilities that you might not be aware of. The talk will also cover some of the changes we made to the Spring Boot internals, discuss why we made them, and how they will help with future releases.