Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher


Mark has been a member of the Spring team for over 12 years, contributing to the Spring Framework and several other projects. He founded Spring Integration in 2007 and is one of the authors of Spring Integration in Action, published by Manning in 2012. He has contributed to Spring Cloud Stream, Spring Cloud Data Flow and Spring Cloud Function and is currently focused on Serverless Functions with riff.

riffing on Knative
Knative extends Kubernetes via Custom Resource Definitions to provide support for higher level developer concerns such as autoscaling and routing across revisions of an application. Knative also provides support for pluggable build strategies and an eventing model for connecting publishers to subscribers. riff is an open source, event-driven, function as a service platform built on top of Knative. In this session, we will take a tour of Knative and riff with demos of the developer experience along the way.