Advanced Kubernetes workshop

Track: Workshops

Advanced Kubernetes workshop is hands-on & interactive giving attendees a thorough understanding of the advanced Kubernetes concepts for them to run it it in Production. This workshop is for those who have understanding of containers & have already run Kubernetes in some capacity even if it’s in development environment & want to understand advanced concepts.

Adarsh Shah

Adarsh Shah is a Technology Leader, Coach, Hands-on Architect & a Change Agent with over 15 years of industry experience. He is also an organizer for Devopsdays NYC conference & devopsnyc meetup. Adarsh has a keen interest in building systems that add business value and is passionate about helping clients with digital transformation by improving both technical as well as non-technical aspects. These days, he is excited about working with distributed systems architecture and cloud native technologies. You can reach him on twitter at @shahadarsh.