According to Wikipedia, cognitive biases cause individuals to ‘create their own “subjective social reality” from their perception of the input.’ Some of these allow us to take shortcuts when processing information… with mixed results. Though not all confirmation biases can be neatly labeled “good” or “bad”, as we increase our recognition of when these occur, the more we can determine how they affect our decision-making. Learn more about biases such as confirmation bias, false consensus effect, framing bias, halo effect, and Parkinson’s Law of triviality (the bicycle shed effect). These can affect usability testing, user research, presenting research findings, and UX design.
Andrew is a Sr. UI developer and designer with two decades of development experience in languages such as JavaScript, Visual Basic, Python, and C, and will admit to having developed a content management solution with Delphi and Perl if backed into a corner. When not arguing about the benefits of whitespace in UI design or how one must just pick a side in the great tabs versus spaces debate and be done with it, you can find Andrew at concerts, dabbling at photography, or discussing the merits of baseball teams holding on to an extra star relief pitcher.