Landscape of MicroProfile and Jakarta EE Tools

Track: Tools and Techniques

Yes, I want to build my Java applications with MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. Then, do I have to build everything from scratch? Are there tools that will make coding my application easier (in 2022)? Join us as we answer these questions, demonstrate the tools in action, and talk about what may be coming next.

MicroProfile seeks to optimize enterprise Java for microservices architecture and its APIs are gaining momentum and popularity. Jakarta EE is an open set of APIs that enables the worldwide community of Java developers to build applications for enterprises. Both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE are often used together to develop cloud-native Java applications. Then, are tools available for developers to easily build applications with MicroProfile and Jakarta EE?

In this session, we will examine the tools that are available to make your life easier as you code MicroProfile and Jakarta EE-based applications for cloud. These tools help developers throughout the development lifecycle, from creating a new application, working with compatible runtimes and your favourite editor, to testing your application. Join us to learn about what’s out there, talk about what’s coming, and see these tools in action.

YK Chang

YK is currently an architect and developer advocate on the IBM’s application platform (Open Liberty/WebSphere) team and contributes to various OSS projects. His focus is on developer experience and the development of cloud-native applications using MicroProfile, Jakarta EE and other cloud technologies. He is keen on how we can make life easier for developers.

Kathryn Kodama

Kathryn is a software developer on the Open Liberty Developer Experience team at IBM Canada. She has contributed to a number of open-source projects within the MicroProfile ™ and Jakarta EE ™ community, such as the Language Server for MicroProfile (Eclipse LSP4MP), the Language Server for Jakarta EE (Eclipse LSP4Jakarta), and the MicroProfile Starter for Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Kathryn has also contributed to the development of dev mode for OpenLiberty and corresponding editor plugins.