Edson Yanaga

Edson Yanaga


Edson Yanaga, Red Hat’s Director of Developer Experience, is a Java Champion and a Microsoft MVP. He is also a published author and a frequent speaker at international conferences, discussing Java, Microservices, Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Software Craftsmanship.

5 Ways to Make Java Development and Kubernetes Spark Joy With Quarkus
Kubernetes is great, but sometimes can be hard too. What about making it easy and productive at the same time? And what if we would spark joy while coding Kubernetes-Native Java applications? Look no further! Join us on this talk and learn how to have loads of fun with millisecond application restarts, experience tons of productivity with tools such as continuous testing and dev services, and how to make the job of packaging, sharing, deploying, and updating your code on Kubernetes a matter of a few keystrokes. Did we mention live demos? Yes, we do have them!
The Future is Kube-Native
We've heard about Cloud and Cloud-Native in the past years, but don't be mistaken: the future is Kube-Native. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that runs everywhere, and ensuring that applications are Kube-Native allows you to reuse your super skills no matter where you deploy. Join us in this session to learn how a common set of best practices regarding patterns and tools can help you solve today's challenging problems in monolithic and microservices architectures.
DevNation Opening Act
DevNation Opening Act