Deep Dive MicroProfile 6.0 with Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile

Track: Jakarta EE
Both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE are cloud native API standards for developing portable microservices. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile was the new profile in Jakarta EE 10. The new shining hot-in-the-press MicroProfile 6.0 has already fully embraced Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. Apart from this, MicroProfile 6.0 also provided some major updates from MicroProfile Metrics, which enabled the adoption of Micrometer and MicroProfile Telemetry that consumed OpenTelemetry. Come to this session to learn all about the observibility standard for your microservices with a live demo on Open Liberty.
Emily Jiang
Emily Jiang is a Java Champion. She is Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) in IBM, based at Hursley Lab in the UK. Emily is a MicroProfile guru and has been working on MicroProfile since 2016 and leads a number of specifications including MicroProfile Config and Fault Tolerance. She interacts with most of the other MicroProfile specifications. She is also active in Jakarta EE specifications. She is a co-lead in Jakarta Config and also a Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) committer. At IBM, she leads the effort of implementing all of MicroProfile specifications on Open Liberty. She is passionate about MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. She regularly speaks at conferences, such as QCon, Code One, DevNexus, JAX London, Voxxed, Devoxx, EclipseCon, GeeCon, JFokus, etc. Connect with Emily on Twitter @emilyfhjiang LinkedIn (