Refactor your code to Java 20

Track: Core Java
All of a sudden Java is a hip language again. With every release, we get new features. But your code still looks like 2014 aka Java 1.8. Let’s change that and bring the new style to your codebase. In this session, we will take a look at “legacy” code and refactor it to gain the benefits of newer Java versions. In a live coding setting, Barry and Richard will present each other with refactoring quests to demonstrate how you can go about changing your code today. Disclaimer: You might learn about features your colleagues don't want you to know because you won’t stop talking about new Java releases 😉
Richard Fichtner
Richard Fichtner is Principal Software Architect at XDEV Software GmbH and has worked in the software industry for more than 20 years, often at the interface between business and technology. He is involved in the open-source community to spread knowledge about Java technologies. He speaks at conferences and contributes to various open-source projects such as Richard is a leader of the Java User Group Oberpfalz, recognized as Oracle ACE and holds a Master of Science degree in applied computer science. He is passionate about enabling developer productivity and supports teams in the use of cloud solutions. His interests are Java, clean code, cloud, new technologies and everything pragmatic.
Barry Burd
Barry Burd is a Mathematics and Computer Science Professor at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, US. He's the author of several books, including Java For Dummies, and is currently missing deadlines for a book on quantum computing. In 2020, he was named a Java Champion.