Spring Boot 3 Workshop

Track: Frameworks
Spring Boot 3 is the new major revision of Spring Boot. In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of the new features available in the Spring portfolio and also application observability mainly with Micrometer. We will cover the latest developments in Spring Framework 6, Spring Boot 3, and Micrometer. You will apply these fundamentals to realistic scenarios in sample applications where having observability is crucial. You will learn how to Migrate from Boot 2.x to 3, how to use the new AOT and GraalVM native-image support, how to effectively handle errors, how to integrate applications over HTTP via the new Interface Clients, how to avoid common issues, how to make these apps observable, what observability signals to watch, and how to integrate metrics with distributed tracing and logs. This workshop is for people who want to learn about Spring Boot 3, Spring Framework 6 and observability. What new tools to use and how to use them with the applications they write so that they can face the cruel world of production. Prerequisites: - Very basic Spring Boot knowledge (how to create beans and HTTP endpoints), you can learn these from our online guides quickly, e.g.: https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/ - Java 17 (or higher) installed - A Java IDE
Jonatan Ivanov
Jonatan Ivanov is an enthusiastic Software Engineer, member of the Spring Engineering Team, maintainer of Micrometer, one of the leaders of the Seattle Java User Group, speaker, author, certified dragon trainer. He has hands-on experience in developing and shipping innovative, production-ready software for industry-leader companies. He likes Distributed Systems, Production, Open Source, Math, Linux, Cloud environments; he is passionate about the Java Ecosystem and the Java Community. He is an Open Source contributor, writes a "develotters"-focused blog (https://develotters.com), sometimes can be found on Twitter(@jonatan_ivanov) and in the Seattle area.
Tommy Ludwig
Phil Webb