In order to maximize your learning time, setup before you arrive on Tuesday. The conference wi-fi is a public network and we cannot guarantee speed while downloading all of maven, github and npm.
The Ultimate One-Day Java Workshop: Deploying AI-Enhanced Applications with
Security & Scalability
Things you need:
• Web browser
• GitHub account
• JDK 17 or higher with Java Home set
• account
• Container tool such as Docker or Podman
Spring Boot Workshop
Thank you very much for your interest in the Spring Boot 3 Workshop@Devnexus! In order to speed things up and make things easier for you, we created a repository with a readme that walks you through the setup steps and helps you to test your setup so we don't need to do these on the workshop day and we can focus more on the content we prepared.
You can find the instructions in the readme file of the repo on GitHub: Please clone the repo and go through the setup steps you can find in the readme. Some of the steps will download a few things that will be painful on the conference wifi.
You will need Java and Docker installed, a Java IDE and very basic Spring Boot knowledge (how to create beans and HTTP endpoints), you can learn these from our online guides quickly, e.g.:
Fundamentals of Migration Engineering with OpenRewrite Workshop
● Bring your laptop
● You will need either a GitHub account
● Please install:
○ Multiple JDKs (8, 11, 17, 21)
■ A JRE alone is insufficient since OpenRewrite uses compiler internals and tools only found in the JDK
○ Gradle (version 4.0+ ) or Maven (version 3.2+)
○ IntelliJ (version 2024.1+) with built-in support for OpenRewrite
■ Other IDEs might work as well but lack dedicated support
Apache Pinot Workshop
To ensure a smooth experience during the workshop, please make sure you have the following requirements met:
Docker Desktop:
We will be using Docker to run Apache Pinot, and Apache Kafka, locally on your machine. please download it from Docker’s official website and follow the instructions to install and set it up on your system.
System Resources:
● Memory: Apache Pinot is optimized for performance and is not typically used as a desktop application. For this workshop, your system should have a minimum of 8GB of RAM to ensure smooth operation.
● Disk Space: Ensure that you have at least 10GB of free disk space available to accommodate the necessary Docker images and data.
● High-Speed Internet: A stable and high-speed internet connection is required to download the Docker images and other resources needed for the workshop.
Gain new supersonic, subatomic superpowers with Quarkus 3
The Quarkus 3 workshop will be done in a web browser - no local commands or installs are needed on the attendee's laptops. So, we recommend the participants install/upgrade to Chrome or Firefox's latest version. To access the workshop environment (cloud), they might need to turn off the VPN (we use WebSockets extensively), and pause AdBlock for the lab domain (there are no ads).
Cruising Along with Java: Making Use of the Modern Features
1. Please have the latest version of the JDK installed on your system - the more recent it is, the more features you will be able to use in this workshop
2. Please have git client installed on your system
3. Please have your favorite IDE (like IntelliJ IDEA) installed and updated on your system
Architectural Design Patterns Deep Dive
Bring your laptop, preferably your personal laptop
• If you insist on bringing a work laptop, please ensure beforehand that you can visit websites with WebSockets
• If you do not have a Github public account, create one at
• If you would like to test the developer portal that we will be using, visit
a. This will ask you how you want to sign in; use your Github account for the OAuth sign-in
b. This will also ask which editor you wish to use; please select VSCode Browser
c. This will also ask you if you want ten free hours or 50, and you can choose either; if you choose 50, they ask that you link up through LinkedIn
d. Answer truthfully or not all the annoying questions that they ask
e. This should take you into a VSCode Session; if you see it and it works, great; if not likely, it is because you are blocked from using Websockets
Building RESTful Web Services with Jakarta EE
### **Module 1: Set up the environment.**
To carry out all the tasks in this workshop you will need the following software. Each of these programs are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is assumed that you know your computer well enough that it is not necessary to review how each program is installed. If not, then workshop presenters can assist you. The list of software is:
1. Java 17
2. IDE (optional)
3. Maven (latest version)
4. Glassfish 7.x.y (latest version of x and y)
5. Derby DB.
6. CURL (latest version)
Information on where to find this software and installation information follows.
## Java SE 17
There are numerous distributions of Java other than from Oracle. One of Java’s strengths has been that from the perspective of a developer it does not mater which development environment you use. I recommend **Adoptium**, the new name for **AdoptOpenJDK**, that distributes the Eclipse distribution called **Temurin**, an anagram of the word ‘runtime’. At [htps://]( you will find **OpenJDK** builds for most operating systems and CPU platforms.
We are using Java 17 as the Jakarta 10 libraries can run on this version. This is a long-term support version and Jakarta releases are usually tied to an LTS version.
Do not forget to set the **JAVA_HOME** environment variable and update the **PATH**.
Now let us install Maven.
## Maven
All the sample code is organized for use with the Apache Maven build tool. Most IDEs include Maven and so if you are using one you may not think it is necessary to download and install the command line version. It is. You can download Maven from [htps://]( Like cURL and GlassFish it is distributed as a compressed file you can decompress anywhere. You must also add the path to the bin folder. It is recommended that you **use** the most recent version.
## IDE
This workshop does not assume that you will be using a specific IDE. Now let us install the Glassfish application server.
## Glassfish 7
There are numerous Java application servers. When Oracle maintained Java EE, the Glassfish server was the reference server. All other servers provided, at a minimum, the same services found in Glassfish. Today Glassfish is the Eclipse implementation of Jakarta EE. Instead of a reference server, Jakarta defines three profiles. These are platform, web, and core. Glassfish supports all the profiles. You may use another server such as Wild Fly or OpenLiberty but all workshop instructions assume Glassfish.
Visit [htps://]( and select the most recent version. In preparing this workshop the most recent version was **Eclipse GlassFish 7.0.5, Jakarta EE Platform, 10**. The version you can download may be different than 7.0.5 however for the purposes of this workshop any version 7.0.5 or greater will work.
The download is just a compressed file that you decompress into whatever folder you desire. Here is the folder structure of Glassfish after you have decompressed it.

Add the location of the **bin** folder, for example in Windows, **C:\\devapp\\glassfish7\\bin**, to your path. Open a terminal/console and enter in any OS::
To start GlassFish: asadmin start-domain
You should see as the last line of the output: Command start-domain executed successfully.
To stop GlassFish: asadmin stop-domain
You should see as the last line of the output: Command stop-domain executed successfully.
You can now test Glassfish by opening your browser and entering in the address bar **localhost:8080**. You should see:

With the server running, visit the Administration Console by clicking on the link the arrow is pointing to. You should now see:

To stop the server, open a terminal in the same folder that you ran
To stop the server, open a terminal in the folder **glassfish7/glassfish/bin** folder and run the file **stopserv.bat** if your OS is Windows otherwise for Linux or macOS run **stopserv**. This assumes that you have updated your path. For Linux or macOS you may have to set the permissions for **stopserv** to be executable. You should see a message that looks like this:
Waiting for the domain to stop . Waiting finished after 60 ms.
Command stop-domain executed successfully.
Next up is the Derby database.
## Derby
The GlassFish server includes the Derby database. To start Derby go to **`[wherever you placed GlassFish]/glassfish7/javadb/bin`**, open a terminal/console in this folder and run the startNetworkServer script. This will start up Derby monitoring port 1527. The command line tool for Derby is if, also found in the bin folder.
Derby can also be downloaded from htps:// Next up is cURL, the command line htp tool.
### cURL
When you enter a URL into a browser you are always making a GET request. In learning about RESTful services, we will need make GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests. There are additional requests, but we will focus on these four.
The cURL is a command line program that permits the sending of a REQUEST with any of the allowable verbs. This is an invaluable tool when developing RESTful services as you can test your service without first creating a client application.
Visit []( to download the appropriate compressed file. Decompress the file where you want it. Add the location of the bin folder to your path.
### Troubleshooting
A common problem is failing to properly configure the installation of Java. Here is how you can diagnose a configuration problem for Java. First, you can determine if Java is properly installed by entering in the console of any OS **java -version**. You should see something like:
**openjdk version "17.0.7" 2023-04-18**
**OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.7+7 (build 17.0.7+7)**
**OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.7+7 (build 17.0.7+7, mixed mode, sharing)**
This workshop currently requires Java 17. Shown above is 17.0.7 but any 17.x.y should work. Versions of Java from 18 and up are not supported. Java 21 will be supported with Jakarta 11.
If this information is incorrect or it cannot find the Java executable file, follow these steps to correct this problem.
### Windows
Open the console and enter the command **set**. You should find the environment variable JAVA_HOME that should be showing the folder Java was installed in. The **PATH** should include the full path to the bin folder in the Java folder **` JAVA_HOME=C:\devapp\jdk-17.0.7+7 PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%`**
If these are missing, they must be manually set in the **Environment Variables** dialog. In Windows 10 or 11 enter **environment** in the search box found on the task bar and select **Edit the system environment variables**. Here you can add or correct **JAVA_HOME** and **PATH**.
### Linux
Use the **printenv** command to verify **JAVA_HOME** and **PATH**. If they are missing or the assigned value is incorrect open a text editor and open your **.profile** file in your home directory. Add the follow line replacing **JAVA_HOME** with the location you installed Java in.
###### `export JAVA_HOME=/home/javadev/java/jdk-17.0.7+7`
Replace **javadev** with your login name.
If the **PATH** is incorrect, then add this line to **.profile**.
###### `export PATH=\$JAVA_HOME/bin:\$PATH`
# macOS
Use the **printenv** command to verify **JAVA_HOME** and **PATH**. If they are missing or the assigned value is incorrect open a text editor and open your **.bash_profile** file in your home directory. Add the follow line replacing **JAVA_HOME** with the location you installed Java in.
**JAVA_HOME** with the location you installed Java in the file.
###### ` export JAVA_HOME=/Users/javadev/java/jdk-17.07+7/Contents/Home`
``Replace **javadev** with your login name.
If the **PATH** is incorrect, then add this line to **.profile**.
###### `export PATH=\$JAVA_HOME/bin:\$PATH`
# Module 1 Conclusion
This module is all about setting up the development environment. It is not just for Jakarta REST but for any Jakarta component you wish to use. You are almost ready to write your first service but first we need a task that we want to expose as a service. That is the topic of the next module.