When and Where is the conference?
When will I know if I'm accepted?
What types of sessions are you looking for?
Testing and Quality | testing techniques, tools, monitoring, automation, standards |
Architecture | effective code, design, communication, and patterns |
Cloud Infra (Micro and Serverless) | Kube, Istio, Mesh |
Cloud Tech | Microservices, Serverless, Functions as Service |
Core Java | core language, SE, JDK, modularity, what's next? |
Frameworks | Spring, Vert.x, JHipster, Lightbend, Jakarta(EE), Grails, Micronaut ... |
Javascript | ECMA, NPM, Gulp, Webpack, Angular, React, Vue, Ember... |
Java Platform | JVM, JRE, libraries, developer tools |
Tools and techniques | IDEs, build tools, Code respositories, workflow integration |
JVM Languages | Kotlin, Scala, Javscript, Groovy, Android ... |
Open Java | Open Source Java, AdoptOpenJDK, OpenJDK, LibertyJDK, Corretto, OpenJ9, etc... |
Practices / other tech | important topics outside of the current hotness. |
Security | recognizing the bad guys, keeping them out. |
Web | the browser as a platform, UI/UX, CSS, HTML, Sass, LeSS |
Jakarta EE | All things Jakarta EE Core and ecosystem |
Will you cover travel and / or lodging? Not needed obviously