Exploring the Data Universe: Portability with Jakarta Data and Open Liberty

Track: JakartaEE
We live on a data-driven planet where data can be accessed from relational databases, non-relational databases, message streams, and more. Often our enterprise Java applications are restricted by the back-end datastore they were written to access. Let us explore a new universe where data is captured, accessed, and persisted without such restrictions.

The unity and standardization of data access and persistence was the catalyst for the Jakarta Data project. The Jakarta Data specification provides a modern persistence model focused on the stable and portable needs of the modern enterprise application developer. Using Jakarta Data on Open Liberty offers developers a cloud-native platform to prototype, test, and deploy applications.

In this session, we will showcase the domain-driven repository pattern of the Jakarta Data project to persist data to the relational database. We will highlight the query mechanism to utilize sorting, streaming, and paging. Once our application is written, we will swap out the relational database for a non-relational database to highlight just how easy this can now be with Jakarta Data.
Kyle Aure
Kyle Aure is a Software Developer at IBM working on Open Liberty. He is an avid committer to the Jakarta Concurrency and Jakarta Data specifications. He has a passion for database access and diversity/inclusion in the developer profession. Kyle has a degree in Computer Science from Winona State University. He is also a master knitter and is easily spotted in crowds while wearing hand-knit sweaters.