Jakarta EE! The future of enterprise application behind the myths.

Track: JakartaEE
Most enterprises continue running their Application in a JEE Server. We realize that there are among of code that is not evolving. Throughout this talk, we are showing you by example some real-world experiences of moving forward Applications running JEE 5 & 7 to Jakarta EE 10. At the end of this session, you are going to understand the pitfalls and put away the concerns of updating and evolving your enterprise applications.
Alberto Salazar
Alberto Salazar is an entrepreneur, passionate Consultant, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, JUG Leader, Auth0 Ambassador, founder of the Ecuador Java User Group, Java Community Process Associate Member and Java evangelist/trainer. He is the co-author of the book 'Software Architecture with Spring 5.0'. Alberto has been working for 2 decades creating large scalable and high transaction load systems from military software to banking solutions. He is also a frequent speaker at Java conferences such as Oracle Code One, JBCNConf, Voxxed Days, Oracle Code, Red Hat Summit, JavaOne, Oracle Developer Tour Latam, OTN Tours, and local JUG meetings.