Managing Your AI-Driven Manager

Track: Tech Leadership
The threat to your job isn’t that an AI can replace you — it’s that a manager will think AI can replace you. This talk covers how to build a relationship with your manager that makes you their primary technical ally. The idea is to become the person they trust to evaluate both the benefits — and the costs — of using AI tools, showing where they can help and where you really need to be careful using them. In a rapidly changing world, you can become the person your manager relies on to give them good advice, all while you get to enjoy playing with the latest toys.
Kenneth Kousen
Ken Kousen is the author of the Pragmatic Programmers books "Mockito Made Clear" and "Help Your Boss Help You", the O'Reilly books "Kotlin Cookbook", "Modern Java Recipes", and "Gradle Recipes for Android", and the Manning book "Making Java Groovy". He is a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff conference tour, and has spoken at conferences all over the world. He is a Java Champion, a JavaOne Rock Star, and a Devnexus Rock Star. In addition to various industry certifications, he has BS degrees in both Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T., an MA and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I.